In article <3nn9gp$> (Sandra Desmond) writes: >Cool! Maybe we'll be able to figure out how Michael Abrash managed to >get all of Quake's divides for free! >In any case it'll certainly help improve the signal-to-noise ratio here >;) >Cheers, >Mark Feldman Hello Mr. Feldman. I have already proposed this solution many times in this newsgroup, but I'll reiterate as it seem to have evaded everyone's memory. My personnal opinion of it is it's not worth it, but here goes anyhow. Say the constant-z lines are within 45 degrees of being vertical (the algorithm can be tweaked to work with any angle, either by using a reflection or by really tweaking it, but I won't discuss this). For example, here are the constant-z lines: abcdefg abcdefg bcdefgh bcdefgh bcdefgh cdefghi cdefghi defghij defghij defghij efghijk etc... Now look at a horizontal scan-line. You intersect exactly one constant-z line per pixel. The first horizontal line looks like this: abcdefg If we were to have a wider screen to the right, we would also have the constant-z lines h,i,j and k. Example: abcdefghijk Now, calculate the real texture coordinate for all these pixels. You now know the true texture coordinate for all pixels of all constant-z lines for the first horizontal-line. As you go to the second horizontal line, you can incrementally find the new texture coordinates of these constant-z lines, them being constant-z that is. Thus, for each horizontal line, you can incrementally calculate the new texture coordinate of all constant-z lines. What we do is generate the spans with a conventional horizontal scan-line algorithm and only draw the relevant pixels (while we still possibly incrementally calculate more than the relevant pixels). Thus, if the polygon to draw is: d cde cdef bcdefg defg ghi i We initially need to calculate the true texture coordinate of the topmost pixel, then for all pixels on the "d" constant-z line, the calculations can be performed incrementally. On the second horizontal scanline, we need to calculate the true texture coordinates for the pixel in the c and e constant-z lines, but then we can calculate all of the texture coordinates on constant-z lines "c", "d" and "e" incrementally. On the next horizontal scanline, we need to calculate the true texture coordinate of the "f" scanline, but thereafter we can calculate it incrementally. Etc... The advantages are nearly the same as the straight constant-z polygon drawing algorithm. The disadvantages however, are a bit different. It will not be as fast, involving one more lookup per pixel. The algorithm is also much more complicated and difficult to implant. However, we removed the aliasing from the polygon's edges (e.g. the outline will be correct in the sense that it will be exactly the same one as when generated with a horizontal scan-line algorithm). I know this algorithm is not discussed at all in Zed3D, but there are so many things that need adding in Zed3D that I am not totally certain that I will be able to add this particular one (since I am going on a 3 week trip very soon). As a matter of fact, I'm going to copy and paste this article as is in Zed3D now that I think of it. Wish you the best of lucks, and may this help you. Sebastien Loisel